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Intro to Purple Teaming: Min-maxing your logging setup

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Purple Teaming Min-maxing your logging setup

Announcements! UFSIT wins 3rd place Nationally (out of 100+ teams) in DOE Cyberforce WRCCDC Invitation on Dec 2nd

ToC What is purple teaming? Homelab basics Detection Basics Snort YARA Sigma Setting up logging ELK Wazuh Refining your setup MITRE ATT&CK Performing attacks

What is Purple Teaming?

What is a Homelab? Lab environment that you can use to emulate a real environment Can be used to: Practice setting up infrastructure Practice using technologies Practice hacking Practice defending

Honeypotting w/ T-Pot All-in-one honeypot made by T-Mobile Services: http(s) ssh ftp modbus


Resources Homelabs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xftEuVQ7kY0 Honeypots https://tryhackme.com/room/introductiontohoneypots https://www.lupovis.io/set-up-t-pot-honeypot-in-cloud-in-less-than-30-minutes/ https://www.antisyphontraining.com/live-courses-catalog/active-defense-cyber-deception-w-john-strand/

Homelabbing with VMs Options: Set up VMs with VMware/VirtualBox Use the cloud (Snap Labs) Set up your own infrastructure (Proxmox, OpenStack) Use the UFSIT Purple Team Infra™ (COMING SOON!)

Setting up VMs (DEMO)

Detection Basics

Setting up Logging Linux auditd /var/log/audit/audit.log sysmon /var/log/syslog authorization logs /var/log/auth.log vsftpd logs /var/log/vsftpd.log … Windows C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs*.evtx

Logging Primitives Linux Syscalls Watch: File access Process execution (execve) Rules can define what to watch and what specifics/exclusions you want

Windows Event IDs Most things in windows have an event ID for when they are logged Everything is placed into the event viewer

Auditd ( Linux ) rules in /etc/audit/rules.d Example:

Sysmon ( Windows + Linux (?) ) rules in .xml Example:

Snort / Suricata Network detection Network IDS for doing alerts,logs, etc. Based on: Port IP Packet contents Direction …

Dissecting a Rule

YARA File detection Write a rule for detecting static attributes in a binary Based on: Hashes Metadata Strings Bytes Filesize Imports

Dissecting a Rule

Sigma Log detection Looks for strings in logs Based on: Command Line Strings Alerts Log messages Supports False positives

Dissecting a Rule

Resources Snort / Suricata https://www.crowdstrike.com/cybersecurity-101/threat-intelligence/snort-rules/ https://tryhackme.com/room/snort https://suricata.io/learn/public-training/ YARA https://n3nu.medium.com/getting-started-with-yara-a-beginners-guide-to-understanding-and-creating-yara-rules-73bda308fd98 https://www.varonis.com/blog/yara-rules Sigma https://tryhackme.com/room/sighunt https://github.com/SigmaHQ/sigma

Setting up Logging

ELK Elastic Logstash Kibana Logstash stores the data and sends it to the right place Elastic indexes and searches the data Kibana visualizes the data Basis of a lot of logging & alerting platforms Has a free 2-week free trial on the cloud

Wazuh Based on ELK Has advanced alerting and detection Has modules for uploading to VirusTotal Can do active response

Dissecting a Rule


Resources ELK https://logz.io/learn/complete-guide-elk-stack/ Wazuh https://tryhackme.com/room/wazuhct Suricata https://coralogix.com/blog/writing-effective-suricata-rules-for-the-sta/

Refining your Setup

MITRE ATT&CK Framework Comprehensive knowledge base of tactics and techniques.

Developed to handle cyber threats.

Describes how adversaries penetrate networks and evade defenses.

Atomic Red Team Tool made by Red Canary Lets you run premade attacks on your machine These attacks are based on the ATT&CK Framework This allows you to test if your logging and alerting is detecting everything that it should be

Attacking your systems I love Windows/AD, so let’s do a Windows/AD Attack Something you want to detect: PsExec, WmiExec, SmbExec Learn more from my Attacking Windows/AD slides: https://da.gd/wad

Before we attack - Basics of PsExec

Windows Defender doesn’t detect it!

Resources MITRE https://tryhackme.com/room/mitre Atomic Red Team https://github.com/redcanaryco/atomic-red-team/wiki/Getting-Started


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