After just about 4 months of planning to make a blog, I’ve finally decided I have enough time to do so. Just two days ago, I finished the OSCP exam (also having been delayed for several months) and my hope with this blog is that I can start with talking about my experience once I get back my score.

Photo of me being lazy on Trello

Photo of me being lazy on Trello

You might notice that I’ve had blogs about placing in Cyberforce1 and CPTC2 on my todolist for the last several months, but I haven’t had the time to make them just yet.

For now, feel free to take a look at howtowincptc - a website I made based on howtowinccdc to teach people the basics of the competition.

Me: I’m gonna buy to manifest winning this year
You: Did you win?
Me: 😭

Didn't get that reference? For the uninitiated, this means that while my team did place regionally, we did not in fact win the competition (despite the domain name). But hey - there's always next year, right?

Eventually, the goal is for me to use this site to post my research, cheat sheets, writeups, and more.
