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Intro to Windows & AD Hacking - v2


This is part 2/3 of my Windows Week series that I did for UFSIT


Windows & AD Hacking Zero to Hero

Windows & AD Hacking Zero to Hero* *Only if you practice

About this talk This is an updated version of my original Windows & AD talk https://hackback.zip/2023/10/02/Windows-AD.html

Changes: Added more intro content about AD Split into 2 parts Add more details about how protocols work

Warning MS Docs have too many TLAs. TMA

Warning (Translation) MS Docs have too many TLAs. TMA Microsoft Documentation has too many three-letter-acronyms. Too many acronyms…

This means you should ask questions!!

NetExec (NXC)

””” The network execution tool Maintained as an open source project by @NeffIsBack, @MJHallenbeck, @_zblurx

For documentation and usage examples, visit: https://www.netexec.wiki/ “””

Protocols: vnc, ssh, ftp, winrm, wmi, smb, mssql, rdp, ldap, nfs NXC

sudo apt install pipx pipx install git+https://github.com/Pennyw0rth/NetExec pipx install git+https://github.com/ThePorgs/impacket

sudo apt install netexec sudo apt install impacket

Impacket Impacket is a collection of Python classes for working with network protocols. This is great for developers, but why do I care?

Example Scripts Tons of scripts that let you do basically anything you want https://github.com/fortra/impacket/tree/master/examples pipx install impacket


Network Recon

Exploits that don’t need credentials

Eternal Blue (CVE-2017-0144) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability on Windows if SMB is open Can get you NT\Authority System IS VERY UNSTABLE DO NOT RUN IN A PENTEST

Vulnerability in the Netlogon Remote Protocol (MS-NRPC) Lets you bruteforce an AES key that allows you to call a function (NetrServerPasswordSet2) to change the password of the domain admin Will break your whole DC unless you unexploit ZeroLogon (CVE-2020-1472)


Check SMB Auth Anonymous login lets you: View shares View users (via rid-brute) Null login lets you: View shares View users View groups View password policy

SMB Shares

Impacket’s smbclient.py

SMB Password Spraying First check password policy Then try spraying password, try no password, try username=password Generate custom wordlist for password cracking: https://github.com/p0dalirius/LDAPWordlistHarvester You can also use –local-auth for local account login

Rid Brute

Null Auth

Command Execution??

LLMNR Background When your windows computer can’t find a resource (machine, network share, etc…) it goes “does anyone know where this resource is” And it will believe any response it gets!!!

This means you can just respond to all LLMNR requests with your own IP address to get machines to connect to you.

Intro to Relay: SMB Share Relay with Responder sudo Responder -I tun0

More about Relaying Sometimes you can capture a hash by getting people to browse to your SMB share Sometimes you can Coerce authentication (more on this later) https://github.com/p0dalirius/Coercer You can also capture a hash by: Getting a database to request a file on your SMB share Sending an email with an image that is on your SMB share Making a website request a file on your SMB share … Technically, Relaying is the act of capture a hash AND forwarding (relaying) it to another host to authenticate nxc smb --gen-relay-list relayable.txt

Slinky Module You can put an image in a LNK file in a writeable SMB share If someone browses to that share, their user will automatically request the image for the LNK file

Coercion Exploits

PetitPotam Vulnerability that allows you to coerce a windows host to authenticate to other machines Uses RPC functions like (MS-EFSRPC) Microsoft’s Encrypting File System Remote Protocol https://github.com/topotam/PetitPotam

ShadowCoerce (CVE 2022 30154) Exploits MS-FSRVP (File Sever Remote VSS Protocol) This is entirely over SMB Only exists if “File Server VSS Agent Service” is enabled

How to auto-coerce

How to auto-coerce (pt2)

How to receive hashes

How to relay hashes Step 1: Figure out which machines are relayable (the ones with SMB signing disabled)

Step 2: Set up a listener that will relay hashes over to relayable machines

Step 3: Coerce authentication in some way (see prev slides)

Exploits that need credentials

PrintNightmare (CVE-2021-1675, CVE-2021–34527, CVE-2021–34481) Vulnerability that lets you use the print spooler (RPC) to remotely add printer drivers on the system as admin

This means you can execute arbitrary code as admin and become admin

noPac noPac abuses two CVE’s: (CVE-2021-42278 and CVE-2021-42287) CVE-2021-42278: allows the creation of machine accounts without the $ symbol. CVE-2021-42287: A logic flaw in the way Kerberos will access tickets and tokens when an account does not exist.

Abuse Functions How can we abuse this from Linux? nxc smb -u -p <p> -M nopac python3 noPac.py domain.local/username:password -dc-ip $dcip -dc-host $dc01 --impersonate $userToImpersonate –dump



ldapsearch - getting the naming contexts

ldapsearch - searching

ldapsearch + bash magic

How to make it easier

How to make it EVEN easier

BloodHound Uses graph theory to find privilege escalation paths

Attackers can use BloodHound to easily identify highly complex attack paths that would otherwise be impossible to quickly identify. Defenders can use BloodHound to identify and eliminate those same attack paths.

SharpHound & Bloodhound.py Aggregators that use LDAP to collect data about Domain This data can then be uploaded to BloodHound

.\SharpHound.exe -c All -d python3 bloodhound.py -u validUser -p validPass -d domain.local -c All

Dangerous Privileges: GenericAll - Full rights to the object (add users to a group or reset user’s password) GenericWrite - Update object’s attributes (i.e logon script) WriteOwner - Change object owner to attacker controlled user take over the object WriteDACL - Modify object’s ACEs and give attacker full control right over the object AllExtendedRights - Add user to a group or reset password ForceChangePassword - Change user’s password DCSync - Sync to the DC (can be used to grab domain credentials)


Kerberos Attacks Two attacks that can let you steal password hashes and (maybe) crack them ASReproasting An issue for all users with No Pre-Authentication impacket-GetNPUsers.py -request Kerberoasting An issue for all service accounts that have an SPN (Service Principal Name) impacket-GetUserSPNs -request␋ Note: Kerberos only works if your clock is synced with the DC sudo ntpdate

AS-Reproasting (Before and After)

Kerberoasting (Before and After)


ADCS Active Directory Certificate Services (ADCS) is a Windows server role that implements public key infrastructure. Certificates (and certificate templates) can be used to access resources

Certipy is a great tool for performing ADCS recon: certipy find -u @ -p <p> -vulnerable -enabled

A certificate template is a blueprint of settings, options and permissions that can specified when generating a certificate. Some Options Include: Enrollment Permissions: Specify who can request a certificate with the template. PkiExtendedKeyUsage: Specifies what the certificate can be used for.


SCCM SCCM: System Center Configuration Manager Manages task automation, remote control, and OS deployment

Recently had a whole suite of vulnerabilities released that allow for: Stealing domain credentials Taking over site servers (the thing that can control everyone’s computer) Coercing Authentication https://www.thehacker.recipes/a-d/movement/sccm-mecm



IIS RCE?? Sometimes you can write files to the app’s webroot If you can write an executable file to the app, you can get execution on the app

IIS is also sometimes vulnerable ->

Other web Try common web exploits

You may have to do mssql injection if there is mssql running You might be able to coerce auth from a database or a webpage if it has LFI You might just need to get code execution somehow

Sometimes you might be able to guess usernames/passwords from a website


MSSQL Sometimes you can request a remote file from MSSQL to coerce auth

Sometimes you can execute commands xp_cmdshell Sometimes there is confidential info in the database

Here, –local-auth means we are using SQL auth, not domain auth

RDP: 3389 TCP RDP: Remote Desktop Protocol Lets you remotely access a computer with a GUI


evil-winrm Also lets you upload and download files You can also log in with a hash (-H)


Credentials!!! Password Dumping Mimikatz.exe impacketsecretsdump.py nxc smb --lsa --sam --ntds --laps LSA and SAM if you're local Admin NTDS if you're Domain Admin or have DCSync Rights (more on this later) LAPS for your own user if you're local admin (sometimes)



Local Privilege Escalation

Dangerous Privileges SeInstallAlwaysElevated You can install anything as the administrator This means you can install malicious code and make it run as admin (basically means you can be admin) SeDebugPrivilege Let’s you debug (read/write) process memory This means you can dump LSA secrets (domain creds) SeImpersonate This lets you impersonate another client Usually means easy privesc through potato attacks SeBackupPrivilege, SeRestorePrivilege Lets you (read, write) any files

More Privileges



Potato Attacks & SeImpersonatePrivilege Service accounts often have SeImpersonatePrivilege, as they need to impersonate other users to work correctly. This can be used to impersonate any user (including SYSTEM) This essentially works by tricking a higher-privileged process into sending us their security token Coercing is done in many different ways: https://jlajara.gitlab.io/Potatoes_Windows_Privesc

Unquoted Service Path C:\Program.exe␋C:\Program Files\A.exe␋C:\Program Files\A Subfolder\B.exe␋C:\Program Files\A Subfolder\B Subfolder\C.exe␋C:\Program Files\A Subfolder\B Subfolder\C Subfolder\SomeExecutable.exe

Automating Findings winPEAS https://github.com/carlospolop/PEASS-ng SeatBelt https://github.com/GhostPack/Seatbelt PowerView / SharpView https://github.com/tevora-threat/SharpView


Resources TCM Security AD Course Netexec Wiki THM Enterprise Room Game of Active Directory TheHackerRecipes VulnLab

© 2025 Adam Hassan