This is for the UF Enterprise Security Class.

For all of the below categories, I’ve given you a short summary of what to do along with some resources to learn more.

How do I know what is on my network?

You may already have a network diagram, but it is important to ensure that the network diagram is correct.

If your network is on a specific subnet (eg., you can use a tool called nmap to discover hosts.

The following command will scan a subnet (using ping) and report back with the hosts that are up

sudo nmap -sn

Note that you should not run nmap on the UF network. UFIT will not be happy!

Once you have all the hosts on the network, you can move on to identifying the software on those hosts.

Software Inventory

First, you want to discover what operating system you’re on.

What OS am I running?


Run systeminfo or winver


Run cat /etc/os-release, lsb_release, or uname -a

How much RAM do I have?




free -h

How much Swap do I have?




free -h

How much Hard Disk space do I have?


Run Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem


Run df -hT

What are my network interfaces?


Run ipconfig


Run ip a or ifconfig

What applications are running?


tasklist or task manager


ps -efHw | less or ps aux

What services are running?


Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"}

Or services app


Run systemctl status

Alternatively, systemctl list-units --type=service --state=running

How do I identify which services are important?

When you run nmap, you can use the arguments -sC and -sV to guess which services are running remotely. This isn’t very accurate though.

On Linux, sudo ss -ntlp will show you the service name alongside the port and PID

Generally, the services we care about the most are the ones that are exposed to the network. This means whatever has a LISTENING port.

For windows, it can be a bit annoying to figure this out.

To make things easier, I wrote a short script. If you use it, try to explain to me how it works.

Older Windows (Server 2012)

netstat -ano | findstr LISTENING | findstr /V '\[' | ForEach-Object {
 	$parts = $_ -split '\s+'
	$localAddress, $localPort = $parts[2] -split ':'
	$myPID = $parts[5]
	$process = Get-Process -Pid $myPID | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ProcessName
	"Address: $localAddress, Port: $localPort, Process: $process"

Newer Windows

Get-NetTCPConnection -State Listen | ForEach-Object {
	$port = $_.LocalPort
	$myPID = $_.OwningProcess
	$process = Get-Process -Pid $myPID | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ProcessName

	"Port: $port, PID: $myPID, Process: $process"